
About Me

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-a Registered Nurse whose mission is to spread LUPUS AWARENESS.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Everyone's Dream :)

Look what I've got. :) 
I promised to myself that someday I will be able to travel to different places. I should have a stress-free vacation and this should be exciting and fun. Wishing that time will allow me to do anything what I want. *crossed fingers*

Existing in Spite of Adversity

Saturday, 19 November 2011

in TIME.

"We've got a day. 
There's so much you can do in a day." 
- In Time (2011)

Spend each day with love and forgiveness. Things may not happen the way we want it but the best way is to accept it. Do not overthink things for these may lead into problems. 

Monday, 14 November 2011

Registered Nurse

When I was a child, I usually say to myself and to the people around me that I want to become a teacher someday. It's funny to reminisce every moment of solitary play, talking with myself, holding a stick, and writing alphabets in the blackboard. But, who I am right now? I am a Registered Nurse and very proud of it. To spend my remaining days with the people in the community is one of the most fulfilling moments in my life. Unexplainable feeling. Love for work. Serving others. ♥

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Lesson for this Day

"There are things that we cannot change and the decisions that others make is one of those. And in all honesty, a person cannot be in a healthy relationship unless they are ready and happy with themselves first. And there is no harm in that. Everyone is different. But as for others, it is EXTREMELY hard to just sit back and wait. And they do not have any obligation to do that. We are free to take care of ourselves and our needs. We can handle this and everything else that comes our way. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. And as such, problems too have happened for a reason and we will learn and grow from them."

and yes.. I'm learning from other people. Thank you for the wonderful advice. 

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Today, I asked God to give me an understanding heart and a matured mind. I feel so bad with many things right now and can’t find the reason behind it. I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any idea what will be the right move, the right decision and right answers to my questions. So I spent 2 hours in the church a while ago.  I cried. I talked to God. Then He answered me. He reminded me of these quotations.
·   Never conclude. Never assume. Never expect.
Never ask questions to someone if you’ll just control the story without even knowing what really happened. Learn to listen to someone without doubting what he says. Learn how to trust. Learn how to forgive. Don’t be a paranoid person and never make your own problems. If that would be the case, you’re just punishing yourself.
·   Enough!
If you think you already gave your best, please remind yourself that you’ve given everything and it’s time for you to stop. Stop acting that you’re someone’s Mom or Dad. Let someone do what he/she wants to do. He/she has his/her own life and you do not have the right to own it. Learn how to grow up. Do not be a hindrance to someone’s growth.

·   Love and love until it hurts. Love and love until it hurts no more.  -Mother Teresa
It applies to everything. Love for self. Love for others. Love for bf/gf. Love for family. Love for work. Love for everything.
·   When you love, dont expect anything in return from that person. Love unconditionally.
The quotation says it all. Just think that God gave His only Son to us. Jesus sacrificed Himself for the whole world and yet people chose to live as sinners. But in return, Jesus still shows His love to us. He loves us without conditions. He works in mysterious ways.

Problems do come in our lives. We just need to learn how to handle them.
It works. I received God’s comfort this day. Thank you Lord. I love you po!